Abbotswood Action Group Constitution

1    Name:  The name of the Association is The Abbotswood Action Group.

2    Aim:  The aim of the group is to improve Abbotswood as an area to live and work in.

3    Objectives:  The objectives of The Abbotswood Action Group are:

      3.1     To represent the interests of residents and users of Abbotswood and the surrounding area

      3.2     To seek to improve local facilities and services for all age groups.

      3.3     To encourage more community involvement and participation of people of all ages.

4    Powers:  The powers of Abbotswood Action shall be as follows:

      4.1     To hold regular meetings to progress its aims

      4.2     To organise and manage events and exhibitions

      4.3     To represent the interests of members to any outside organisation

      4.4     To promote and carry out research

      4.5     To provide advice where applicable

      4.6     To publish or distribute information

      4.7     To cooperate with other bodies to further the Objectives of the group

      4.8     To apply for and raise funds (but not by means of taxable trading) to be used for furthering its Objectives

      4.9     To acquire or hire property of any kind

      4.10  To let or dispose of property of any kind

      4.11  To set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves against future expenditure

      4.12  To deposit or invest funds in any lawful manner

      4.13  To take out insurances to protect the income and property of the group and members of the committee where required

      4.14  To employ paid or unpaid agents, staff or advisors

      4.15  To do anything else within the law which promotes or helps to promote the Objectives

5    Membership:

      5.1     Membership will be open to persons living in the area and those who are interested in promoting the Objectives of the group

      5.2     The Committee may terminate the membership of any individual whose continued membership would in the reasonable view of the Committee be harmful to the group

      5.3     Every member over the age of 18 will be entitled to one vote at an AGM or General Meeting

      5.4     All voting that takes place at an AGM, Special General Meeting of Committee Meeting shall be by show of hands, shall be counted and recorded in the minutes

      5.5     Abbotswood Action shall be non-party in politics and give due consideration to Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Human Rights

6    The Committee

      6.1     The Committee will be appointed with the agreement of the membership at its Annual General Meeting

      6.2     The group’s business shall be managed by a Management Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and will consist of at least 6 and nor more than 12 individuals

      6.3     All officers of the Committee must be over 18 years of age

      6.4     The quorum for the Committee will be 4

      6.5     The Committee will have the authority to coopt up to 4 additional Committee members

      6.6     At least 3 Committee meetings will be held each year in addition to the AGM and any Special General Meeting which may be required

      6.7     The Committee shall stand down at each Annual General Meeting and may be re-elected.

      6.8     Written notice shall be given by any committee member resigning from his/her post

      6.9     The Committee may create sub committees, which shall include at least one committee member and shall report to the Committee, who will make any final decisions

      6.10  All formal meetings must be minuted, and the minutes formally approved by the next meeting of the Committee.  All minutes shall be available for public scrutiny.

7    Income and Property

      7.1     The property and funds of the Association must be used only for promoting the Objectives and do not belong to the members of the Association or the Committee

      7.2     Committee members may be paid reasonable out of pocket expenses

      7.3     The Association will keep a record of all income and expenditure and will ensure that these accounts will be verified annually at the AGM.

8    Changes to the Constitution

      8.1     The Constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting.  Members must be given at least two weeks notice of the meeting.  The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution setting out the terms of amendment proposed.

9    Dissolution

      9.1     The organisation can be dissolved at a general meeting with at least two thirds of the members in attendance in agreement to dissolve.  After making provision for all outstanding liabilities of the Association, the Committee may transfer all the remaining property and funds to an organisation with the same or similar Objectives.

Amended and approved by the Committee

Signed:  Mary Wright


16 June 2011

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